I designed the cover art for the film "Prime Time MomĀ "by Matanel Gottlieb and Alon Newman. The film explores an intriguing "w"at-if" "scenario: What if one of the kidnapped individuals were the son of a Knesset member? The story follows the second son of the politician, who also works at a news channel that portrays his mother in an unfavorable light. The design reflects the film's political and personal themes, emphasizing the complex relationships and moral dilemmas at its core.

In addition to designing the cover art for "Mom Prime Time," I created supplementary visuals to enhance the film's narrative. These included developing the logo for the fictional news channel central to the plot, a fabricated website used to convey key messages within the story, and various set design elements. Each piece was tailored to align with the film's tone and themes, creating an immersive and cohesive visual experience.

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